Together, let’s find out exactly what your employees want.

Want to know what your employees want?

Let’s ask them!

Continuing to try to engage your employees through communication and experience strategies and tactics based on what the company wants is ineffective and expensive. It’s just guessing.

Instead of just guessing, know. Know your employees. Know what they want. Know what works…and doesn’t. Know what’s relevant and effective.

Here’s how our What Employees Want process works

What It Is: Engagement surveys can be helpful, if the right questions are being asked in the right way. But because the process, the survey and even the questions themselves are so clinical and rational, you end up with clinical and rational responses…lots of yes, no and maybe without any emotional relevance around their answers.

How It Works: What Employees Want takes a different approach, using targeted refocus groups, team huddle conversations and other boots-on-the-ground efforts across your company to make real connections with your employees that get the emotional context you need.

Timing: Typically takes three weeks to plan, three-to-four weeks to conduct, and a week or two to compile the results, depending on company size

Fees: Completely depends on company size

While anytime is a good time to build stronger relationships with your employees, some times are better than others. I’ve compiled a list of trigger events that are common across industries, regardless of company size. Asking your employees what they want ahead of, in the middle of or just after these trigger events is an excellent way to keep your finger on the pulse of what they’re thinking and how they’re reacting.

Free Offer! The best times to ask What Employees Want