Employee Engagement Survey Second Squeeze

You have your “official” employee survey responses.

But, what’s between the lines?

The responses to your employee engagement survey offer a snapshot of what your employees think, or at least what they want you to think they think. But, if you cross-check those answers against the rest of your business metrics, do they make sense?

Stop using those answers as the end of the drill. Instead, use them as the beginning of deeper conversations with, for and through your employees. They have more to say — and much more to offer — than what’s showing up in your survey results.

This is especially critical if you’ve built shiny new strategies, plans and budget requests based on these results. They likely include a whole lot of “more” without considering if any of that “more” is actually “better.” Without a deeper dive, there’s a pretty good chance you’re gonna start unleashing even more uncertainty, noise, disruption and angst at a time when your employees need exactly the opposite from you.

Let’s take another look and do a second squeeze on those results to coax every last drop of goodness from your survey.

  • Through the Employee Engagement Survey Second Squeeze, I help you find often missed and easily overlooked opportunities by taking a second look through the fresh eyes of someone with 35 years' experience. I then cross-reference these against your other business results to show you what to reconsider and where to refocus your efforts.

    At the end, you'll have an executive overview of my insights and Start Here Now guide for what to do with them.

  • Often times, the path forward is right in front of you. It just takes an experienced guide — someone who isn't you who can see the forest and the trees — to shine the light, connect the dots and lead you down the right path.

    Buried somewhere in all your survey responses are insights that are the keys to unlocking better productivity, improved performance, more satisfied customers and more energized team members.

    If you've looked at those results 10 ways from Sunday and still aren't clear about what to do next, you’re not alone. That's not a criticism about you; it's an opportunity for you.

    How about you give me a shot at looking at them? Hundreds of companies have.

    And they've found that extra shot of juice is definitely worth the second squeeze.

  • Timing: Typically 4-to-6 weeks; work is primarily completed remotely, with a couple of site visits if needed

    Fee: Roughly $5000 to $7500, depending on company size and whether you’re in a hurry or not